TTF Ivory Marque with Tagline - No Background

Charitable Purpose

The True Travel Foundation is a restricted fund operating under the auspices of Prism the Gift Fund, Registered Charity Number: 1099682. We are committed to raising vital funds for organisations that make a tangible, positive difference for their local communities. Through targeted donations and grants, we enable our partners to advance their charitable objectives and deliver meaningful, focused, long-term impact.

B Corp

We are deeply passionate about the planet and the communities that call it home. True Travel Limited is now part of a community of over 6,900 businesses globally that have certified as a B Corp.

The UK B Corp community includes over 1,400 companies across various industries and sizes and True Travel joins only 16 other travel businesses with this prestigious status.

Being B Corp certified is an independent global stamp of approval of the work we already do. We wanted to be certain our business was doing everything it could to ensure the safeguarding of our planet and the communities that call it home, and applying for B Corp Certification was a way to strengthen and formalise that.

We firmly believe that travel can and should be a force for good, and becoming B Corp certified further strengthens our determination to become a flag bearer for positive impact travel.

Watch our Foundation Video
Play Video about True Travel Foundation Placeholder

Our Foundation Achievements to Date

Raised for Seawilding
Children supported in Jaipur
Girls supported in The Female Empowerment Programme
  • £80,000 raised for our three leading charity partners in 2023: £60,000 for Seawilding, and £10,000 for our two community charity partners in Zambia and India.
  • 1,114 boys in Jaipur provided with essential and educational resources through our partner The Rucksack Project.
  • 46 girls fully funded to join The Female Empowerment Programme in South Luangwa, Zambia.
  • Transformed our Foundation into a dedicated charitable entity.
  • Over £120,000 donated to our three selected project partners to date. 
  • We offer every client the opportunity to wholly offset the carbon emissions from their trip by 200%, working towards our net-zero commitment

Our Projects

Learn more about the projects we are involved in.

Seawilding is pioneering the regeneration of seagrass meadows throughout the UK in order to restore lost biodiversity, sequester carbon and create green jobs for the local community.
The Female Empowerment Programme offers extra support to young girls in rural Zambia through academic workshops, extra-curricular opportunities and empowering education.
The Female Empowerment Programme
The Rucksack Project is a collaboration with Taabar Shelter, an NGO that helps who either found themselves living on the streets or were forced into child labour.
The Rucksack Project
The Sol y Luna Foundation is a safe place for some of the most vulnerable and underprivileged children in Peru to learn and be cared for.
Sol Y Luna Foundation
The Newman Holiday Trust provides holidays for over 150 children every year aged between 4 - 17 years old across seven locations in the UK
The Newman Holiday Trust

Our Impact Report, 2023

Read our Impact Report, showcasing the key initiatives we’ve focused on, the progress we’ve made to date, and our goals for improvement in 2024.

2023 Impact Report

Click here to read our 2023 Impact Report

Read Our Latest News

The Newman Holiday Trust

Introducing The Newman Holiday Trust

Sol y Luna Fundation - Hero image

Introducing the Sol Y Luna Foundation


Seawilding: A Hope Spot Turning the Tide for Marine Restoration


True Travel Limited is now a B Corp


True Travel Publishes its Impact Report for 2022

Education Centre

Conservation Conversation